The Constitution of the National Governing Body for Indoor Bowls in Wales
The Constitution must be read along with the following policies Standing Orders (Rules of Debate) - Disciplinary Policy - Appeals Procedure - Safeguarding Policy - Equality Policy - Data Protection Policy – Codes of Conduct for Officers and Players.
In addition to: Role Specifications and Role Descriptions for each officer role, and Terms of Reference for each of the Committees.
1. Title
Welsh Indoor Bowls (WIB) is the sole governing body for the sport of flat green Indoor Bowls in Wales.
WIB is a “not for profit” organisation.
The registered office shall be that of the Secretary in post.
2. WIB shall consist of Indoor Bowling Clubs within Wales with a playing surface which conforms to the requirements of 4(d).
3. Objectives
The objectives of WIB shall be:
To promote, foster, safeguard and regulate the sport of flat green indoor bowls in Wales in every legitimate way.
To arrange International contests with kindred National Governing Bodies and to select the representatives for these contests.
To make, adopt, vary and publish rules, bye laws and conditions for the regulation of said game and to take such steps as shall be deemed advisable for enforcing these.
To organise and control all National Competitions and to license all open competitions conducted by member clubs.
To protect and safeguard the welfare of children, and adults at risk, entrusted to its care.
To act as arbitrator in all disputes involving affiliated clubs and members.
To maintain liaison with all National Governing Bodies for bowls.
To maintain and foster good working relationships with Bowls Wales which is recognised as the co-ordinating body for bowls in Wales.
4. Membership
WIB shall be open to all bona fide clubs in Wales.
Application for affiliation shall be made to the Honorary Secretary of WIB at least 8 weeks before the WIB’s AGM at which it will be considered. Such applications to be accompanied by a list of officers, to include the names and addresses of the club’s Secretary and Treasurer, together with a copy of the club rules.
Only one club may be affiliated from any one Indoor Bowls Stadium
All affiliated clubs must have an indoor green with a playing surface of at least 33 metres in length and each rink a minimum of 4.2 metres in width with banks and ditches at each end. Only clubs with a minimum of 2 rinks complying with these specifications shall be considered for affiliation.
5. Honorary Members
The Management Committee may elect Honorary Members. They may be elected for such periods as the Committee determines. They shall be entitled to all the privileges of membership except that they have no voting power.
6. Life Members
Life membership may be awarded to members who have given exceptional service to Indoor Bowls in Wales. The number of Life Members shall not exceed ten at any time.
Life Members will enjoy full voting rights and may, if elected, serve on any committee or sub-committee.
All nominations must be submitted to the Management Committee who reserve the right to recommend to the Annual General Meeting
7. Affiliation
Each affiliated club shall be required to pay a Club Affiliation fee which shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting and shall be paid no later than 30 November in each year.
Each member of a Club shall pay one affiliation fee to WIB. In the case of players belonging to more than one club they will be required to nominate the club through which they wish to affiliate. Each affiliated club shall submit the names of all club members, together with the appropriate affiliation fees, to the Treasurer not later than 30 November in each year. Any member joining after this date must pay the appropriate fee before playing in any WIB’s Leagues or Competitions. The names and addresses of affiliated members shall be held by the Hon Secretary on a central register, protected by our Privacy Policy, and only used for the purpose of WIB.
Clubs failing to pay fees as stated in (a) and (b) of this section shall forfeit all the rights and privileges of membership until the whole of the arrears have been paid.
8. Administration
The Officers of WIB shall be a President, Vice President, (both elected annually on a gender rota) Secretariat, Treasurer, Competition and League Secretary, Safeguarding Officer and Director of Bowls plus up to two assistants (men) or Team Manager with Selectors (women).
No Person shall be elected to the post of Vice President until a period of ten years has elapsed following their term of office as President.
The affairs of WIB shall be conducted by a Management Committee consisting of the Officers and elected delegates forming an equally balanced committee.
9. Committees
Management Committee/ Finance/ Development/ Competitions and Events/ Membership and Stadium Development/ Marketing and Sponsorship
(The Committees may co-opt members, or others with specific skills or knowledge, if deemed expedient)
10. Annual or Special General Meetings
The Annual General Meeting shall be held, if possible, during May in each year. The notice and agenda of the meeting shall be sent to each club at least 14 days before.
Each affiliated club shall be entitled to send 2 male and 2 female members to the AGM, clubs without female members can send four male members. New clubs who are applying for membership, at the AGM, may send 1 male and 1 female member as observers to the meeting.
Members of affiliated clubs may attend the AGM and take part in the business, except that they cannot move or amend, nor make a point of order and only delegates, Officers and Management Committee members shall be entitled to vote.
All notices of Motion for discussion at the AGM are to be in the hands of the Hon Secretary by 1 April
The amount of financial allowances to officers shall be decided at the AGM. All officers have the responsibility to declare to HMRC and pay any tax required by them.
All administrative Officers are to be appointed, following a selection process, by recommendation to the AGM. Applications for any of the offices must be received by the Hon Secretary not less than 28 days before the date of the meeting in order that the selection process can take place and such names shall be stated in the notice convening the meeting.
The officers shall be appointed annually, their term of office commencing at the close of the meeting at which they are declared appointed, but any or all of them will be eligible for re-appointment at the end of their term of office.
A Special General Meeting shall be convened by the Hon Secretary at any time on receiving a requisition to the effect signed by the Secretaries of FOUR Clubs, or at the request of the Management Committee. An SGM shall be convened by the Hon Secretary within 6 weeks of receiving a written request, and clubs shall be given 4 weeks’ notice of the meeting.
The notice calling the SGM shall specify the purpose for which the said meeting has been called and no other business shall be transacted at that meeting.
Auditors. Suitably experienced auditors shall be appointed at the AGM.
11. Administration/Accounts
The Hon Secretary must keep records of all business transacted at General and other meetings and carry out such duties as prescribed by the Role Description.
The Hon Treasurer must render a full account of receipts and payments for the previous year, duly audited, to the Annual General Meeting and carry out such duties as prescribed by the Role Description.
The financial year will run from 1st April to the 31st March and copies of the balance sheet to be rendered to the meeting must be sent to every affiliated club at least 14 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.
12. Selection/Selectors/Director of Bowls
Following unification, the current selection procedures will remain in place until such time as agreement is reached on a unified approach to selection.
Appendix A. Director of Bowls’ Role Specification.
Appendix B. Team Manager and Selectors' Role Specification.
Appendix C. U25 Team Manager and Selectors’ Role Specification
13. Any changes to the foregoing Constitution can only be made at the AGM or an SGM,
convened for this purpose. Four weeks’ notice shall be given by the Hon Sec, setting forth in full such changes or additions, which shall be stated in the notice of business for the meeting. No such proposed changes or additions shall be deemed to have been passed unless at least two thirds of the votes are in favour.
The Constitution must be reviewed and updated annually by the Management Committee