Presidents Message

Presidential Message from the current President of Welsh Indoor Bowls

Welsh Indoor Bowls President - Mr. Nigel Williams - City and County of Swansea I.B.C.


 I would like to thank Swansea IBC for my nomination and all who have given me the opportunity to attain this honour of becoming Welsh Indoor President.


Congratulations to Kath Blayney on the dignified manner she conducted herself and carried out her duties as Welsh Indoor Bowls President it was a pleasure to be your vice President.


I look forward to working with Vice President Bethan Parish and the officers John Phillips, Cath Harvey, Kath Blayney, Ken Henderson and competition assistants Viv Jones and Allyson Lawrence. Team managers Steve and Roger and selectors who carry out their duties for all of us.


I am proud of the position I hold and I will endeavour to uphold the tradition of past presidents and look forward to my year in office.


To all our members of Welsh Indoor Bowls and to those players who will represent us in International competitions through the year may I wish you all success. 


My chosen charity will be Young Lives V Cancer as I said in the AGM it is getting very expensive to hold presidents games for clubs .If there is clubs who would like to hold presidents games I will be more than willing to bring a team to your club or if clubs would like to donate instead to my charity I would be very grateful to you all.


Kind Regards


Nigel Williams

President - Welsh Indoor Bowls