Presidents Message
Dear Friends and Fellow Bowlers.
Firstly may I take this opportunity to say how privileged and honoured I am to be your President for the Season 2019/2020. I would like to thank the O?cers and Committee members of Llanelli Indoor Bowls Club for nominating and supporting me and will endeavour to carry out my duties to the best of my ability.
Although I spent eighteen years bowling in Oxfordshire before moving to Llanelli ?ve years ago I have certainly received a welcome in the hills and valleys of Wales. During the coming season I look forward to meeting many of you and if time permits visit as many clubs as I can. I know lots faces but not all your names so hope you will be patient and bear with me.
I would like to mention on the support and guidance the Executive O?cers have given me and wish Mrs Hilary King MBE all good wishes in her retirement.
Finally my thanks to Team Managers, Selectors and Players together I am sure we can build on the future development of Welsh Ladies Indoor Bowls.
Good Luck and good bowling to all
Best Wishes
Jan Lovegrove
President 2019/2020.